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Management Execution Systems

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What is Management Execution?

Management Execution basically means to translate your business strategy into reality. Management Execution Systems is not just about accomplishing a goal or a task, but also to achieve underlying business objectives. It has to enable a constant review and fine-tuning of your business strategy. A good MES need to focus on the “what” and the “how” of a business achievement. Management Execution Systems are linked to culture and people management.

Why make use of MES?

Execution is a big problem in projects. Uncertainties get in the way of executing even the best laid out plans. That is why projects are always overdue and over budget. 
Traditional approaches assume a perfect world where requirements never change, resources are available when needed, vendors deliver on time, and every task happens as planned. However, in reality, projects are full of uncertainties. Unfortunately, ignoring them does not make the problem go away.
MES provide a way to tame uncertainties, thus making you realize that work is inherently unpredictable. This is why many organizations are using Management Execution Systems to deliver more projects faster and on time.   

How does a Management Execution System look like?

Two components make up a MES.
·        The consulting work necessary to clarify the Management Execution System through the organization, align your employees and organizational processes to your strategic initiatives, build accountability and improve organizational strategic adaptability.
·        The implementation of tools that become the backbone of your MES. These tools well let your organization function at a higher level.   

What are some Benefits to Management Execution Systems?

·        Ensure strong adherence to standards and processes;
·        Optimize accountability between headquarters and the field;
·        Monitor and address projects in real-time; and

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